How to make electronic paper whereabouts board using mbed microcomputer.
Block diagram.
Let's start assembe.
Insert any parts.Please refer to a lower figure.
microcomputer: #1pin to row#1,col#c (1c)
registor:Left side 13b and Right side 7h(New Version is not need to connect a registor)
switch1:Right side 1j and Red Power Line
switch2:Right side 4j and Red Power Line
Red switch:Right side 1j and Red Power Line
switch3:Right side 8j and Red Power Line
switch4:Right side 14j and Red Power Line
Splite Male-Female jumper wire by 4.
Please splite this order.
- Brown to Gray(8 wires)
- White to Brown(3 wires)
- Red to Purple(6 wires)
- Gray to Black(3 wires)
Brown to Gray wires connect to e-paper I/F board.Brown wire to Right side as shown under the picture.
Red to Purple wires connect to SD Card i/F board.Red wire to Right side.
The Schematic e-paper I/F board is here.
Next, Insert SD card I/F wire in a Solderless breadboard as shown in the figure.
- purple wire:to the Left side Blue Power Line
- Blue wire:to the Left side 1a
- Green wire:to the Left side 6a
- Yellow wire:to the Left side 3a
- Orange wire:to the Left side 4a
- Red wire:to the Left side 1b
Insert e-paper I/F wire in a Solderless breadboard as shown in the figure.
It is easily assemble to follow this order.
- Yellow wire:to the Left side 9a
- Green wire:to the Left side 10a
- Blure wire:to the Left side 11a
- Purple wire:to the Left side 13a
- Gray wire:to the Left side 14a
- Browm wire:to the Left side Red Power Line around row#8
- Orange wire:to the Left side Blue Power Line around row#15
- Red wire:to the Left side 16a
Splite Male-Male jumper wrire by 4.
We use Black , Red and Brown wires.
Insert any wires as showns in figure.
- Black wire:Left side Blue Power Line around row#8 and Right side 7i
- Red wire:Left side 16c and Right side 8h
- Brown wire:Left side Red Power Line around row#18 and Right side Red Power Line around row#18
Connect mbed CAT(writer) and microcontroller by Male-Female jumper wrire.
- Brown wire:Left side 3b
- Black wire:Left side 12b
- White wire:Right size 6h
Connect e-paper and I/F board.
Pull up connector cover and insert the film connector. and Pull down connector cover.
Please it insert completey up to depth. If it is not , e-paper is damaged by hi-voltage from another pin's.
Assemble is finished!
Let's make images for display.sample data is here.
image size is 800 x 600. Color is monochlome( White and Black ). Format is BMP.
You can make 'Paint' by windows.
File name is "1.bmp" , "2.bmp" , "3.bmp" , "4.bmp".please copy to the SD card.
Let's writing the program to the microcontroler.
If you do not setuped mbed environment, please refer to this post.
You can Import program here.
Click Import this program
Click Compile button
Compiled binary file will be download.
Connect mbed CAT(writer) and your PC by USB cable.
The MBED drive is added on your PC.
Copy(Drag and Drop) the downloaded file to MBED drive.
If you get an error , try to disconnect and connect USB cable and check connection mbed CAT and microcontroler wiring.
Push the big red button(red eye) on the mbed CAT. The program will be running.
The Red button is turn on power button. Black buttons are image select button.
When it finish the drowing image , turn off power automatically.
If you want to chage image, please push Red button , next push the black button.
23rd May 2017 added ----
EPD has any minor varsion. I prepared 3 draw modes. Please see from 49 line to 75 line on main.cpp. Please try to disply each mode and select the best draw mode on your EPD.
Now power is suppried from USB.
Let's change to battery.
Remove the mbed CAT. Then inset Battery Box.
The Positive(+) pin insert to Red Power Line on the Left side.
The negative(-) pin insert to Blue Power Line as shown in this picture.
I puted e-paper in photo frame.
Do you want to make it?
electronic paper experiment Kit
- LPC1114FN28
- LPC1114FN28 mbed Writer(mbed CAT)
- Breadboard
- Electronic Paper( ED060SC4 )
- Electronic Paper I/F board
- switches 5pcs
- microSD Card I/F Board
- microSD Card 128MB
- USB microSD Card Reader
- Battery Box
- Jumper Wires Male-Female 20pcs
- Jumper Wires Male-Male 10pcs
If you live in japan , You can buy it at kohacraft's shop.
Or Please contact us "shop[at]"