
English ver.

How to make milk carton robot with a Microcontroller No.1


English ver.

How long I get the PCB from PCBWay? Mounting components on electronic paper control PCBs.

new English Page hereWe recently ordered a MAX10 FPGA board ...
English ver.

Learn how to order boards from PCBWay. I ordered a MAX10 FPGA board and an electronic paper control board.

日本語版はこちらI use PCBWay a lot because of the quality and fast d...
English ver.

Cool and Cute LEDs at MakerFaireTokyo2020

Maker Fair TokyoI went to Maker Faire Tokyo, a festival for ...
English ver.

I repaired my cracked iPhone's LCD by myself, using a recycled panel LCD with beautiful colors.

日本語版はこちらMy iPhone's LCD is brokenI was using my iPhone 5S as...
English ver.

I bought the 858D hot air gun, which can easily remove multi-pin devices that cannot be removed by a soldering iron.

Hot Air GunsThe 858D is a hot air gun with a thinner tip tha...
English ver.

How to make an alarm clock-like nixie tube clock(4/4) WiFi Settings

日本語版はこちらIn this article, you can learn how to make this 👇👇👇 ...
English ver.

How to make an alarm clock-like nixie tube clock(3/4) Remodeling of the alarm clock

日本語版はこちらNow that the PCB is complete, I'd like to modify the...
English ver.

How to make an alarm clock-like nixie tube clock(2/4) Soldering and Assembly of Main Board

日本語版はこちらSince the surface-mounted components of the main boa...
English ver.

How to make an alarm clock-like nixie tube clock (1/4) Nixie Tube PCB Soldering

日本語版はこちらThis is an example of how to make an alarm clock-lik...
English ver.

I made a 7-segment LED on a 3D printer. This is a great way to make an original one!

日本語版はこちらI wanted to make a 7-segment LED with a 3D printer.M...
English ver.

How to make a game of "candle panic" by hastily lighting a dying fire.

"Candle panic" is a special circuit that also uses LED as a ...
English ver.

PCBgogo has a fast job! The "Candle Panic" game board using the "glowing light sensor" is now complete!

日本語版はこちらCreate PCB with PCBgogoI recently found that the can...
English ver.

Let's try "candle panic game" that use a "glowing light sensor".

日本語版はこちら"Glowing Light Sensor"I recently created a circuit t...
English ver.

Whether LEDs can generate electricity like solar cells.

日本語版はこちらPrinciple of solar cells and LEDsSolar CellsSolar ce...
English ver.

Experiment to make the LED a "glowing light sensor"

日本語版はこちらThe other day, I experimented with the use of LEDs a...
English ver.

Mounted the components on the PCB of Nixie DCDC, a step-up DCDC converter for Nixie tubes.

日本語版はこちらNixieDCDCNixie tubes, which glow beautifully, requir...
English ver.

Assembled an alarm clock style Nixie tube table clock using IN-16 Nixie tube

日本語版はこちらI recently mounted components on the PCB that arrive...
English ver.

The Nixie tube clock PCB that I had ordered from FusionPCB arrived and I mounted the parts!

日本語版はこちらI had previously designed an alarm clock type Nixie ...
English ver.

Making an Alexa compatible dimmable ceiling light using ESP32 and Daiso’s LED fluorescent light-installation

日本語版はこちらPreviously, we have completed the circuitry and soft...
English ver.

Making an Alexa compatible dimmable ceiling light using ESP32 and Daiso's LED fluorescent light-Program

日本語版はこちらLast time, I created a circuit for an Alexa-compatib...
English ver.

Making an Alexa compatible dimmable ceiling light using ESP32 and Daiso's LED fluorescent light - Circuit

日本語版はこちらI want an Alexa-enabled ceiling lightWhen I go to be...
English ver.

Nixie tube IN-12B and NIS-1 give off a retro glow by making a 180V boost circuit.

日本語版はこちらI previously opened a dot-shaped Nixie tube INS-1 an...
English ver.

Modify a old retro clock with a Nixie tube to a more retro and latest NTP clock

日本語版はこちらIn a recent experiment, I found that the Nixie tube ...
English ver.

Install Chinese USB Blaster drivers to windows 10

日本語版はこちらUSB BlasterI'm building my own evaluation board for ...
English ver.

Display a color bar by generating a video signal with Intel MAX V CPLD 5M160 nano

日本語版はこちら5M160nano5M160nano is an evaluation board equipped w...
English ver.

Intel MAX V CPLD "5M160nano" board details

日本語版はこちらYou can buy this item here 👇👇👇 .MAX V CPLD 5M160 nan...
English ver.

Design PCB for Nixie tube clock.

日本語版はこちらNixie Tube Clock with AlarmI once made a nixie tube ...
English ver.

Digital microscope connect to Mac with Full-HD HDMI Capture!

日本語版はこちらUSB HDMI CaptureThis is a capture cable that can cap...
English ver.

MAX V CPLD "5M160nano" board and stencil that I ordered from PCBWay is perfect !

日本語版はこちらTo make experimentation more convenient, the MAX V C...
English ver.

Using Amazon Echo's Alexa and ESP32 to adjust the brightness of the lighting with my voice

日本語版はこちらI used ESP32 and did a basic experiment to see if I ...
English ver.

Ordered on PCBWay, the PCB arrived very quickly!!

日本語版はこちらThe other day, I ordered an aluminum substrate for t...
English ver.

Redesigned the MAX V 5M160 CPLD's swittic evaluation PCB.

日本語版はこちらPreviously, I made a MAX V 5M160 CPLD board that sti...
English ver.

Challenge to design aluminum substrate to make high color rendering. Introducing the procedure from the first PCB Way registration to ordering!

日本語版はこちらHigh color rendering LEDI will use the high color re...
English ver.

How many days does Customized MacBookPro take to arrive?

日本語版はこちらIf you purchase the non-customized MacBookPro from t...
English ver.

The ESP32-WROVER and MAX V CPLD were mounted on the experimental e-paper board.

日本語版はこちらLast time I designed the substrate using KiCad and o...
English ver.

Making an electronic paper experimental PCB on which ESP32-WROVER and MAX V CPLD are mounted.  

日本語はこちらHigh speed drawing with ESP32-WORVER and CPLDIn the p...
English ver.

Successful operation of the ESP32-WROVER-B and MAX V CPLDs on an e-paper PCB.

日本語版はこちらSeries of designing substrates to control e-paper wi...
English ver.

Intel CPLD MAV V 5M160ZE64 evaluation board


English ver.

MAX V CPLD 5M160 experimental board that sticks to a breadboard. Part 1.

日本語版はこちらIntel CPLD MAX V SeriesI made an evaluation board wi...
English ver.

MAX V CPLD 5M160 experiment board that sticks on the breadboard. Part 2.

日本語版はこちらIn the last article, I designed the MAX V CPLD 5M160...
English ver.

Let's Go To The Sea With Your iPhone Waterproof

日本語版はこちらFor about 1,000 yen, you can turn your smartphone in...
English ver.

Modify Nintendo Famicom (late model) to video output with FCAV

日本語版はこちらI'll show you how to modify a late-model Nintendo Fa...
English ver.

Modify Nintendo Famicom (early model) to video output with FCAV

日本語版はこちらThis is a way to convert Nintendo Famicom (early mod...
English ver.

The kit to convert Nintendo Famicom to video output (FCAV) is now available!

日本語版へBased on the "FCAV" (Famicom Audio Visual) kit that I m...
English ver.

JLCPCB substrates orders are low cost and delivered quickly!


English ver.

How to modify a Normal Mouse into a Silent Mouse


English ver.

Tips for making UV lighting using germicidal bulb


English ver.

Display digital microscope images on MacBook for greater efficiency!

日本語版はこちらThese days, electronic components are so small that ...
English ver.

Buy Tescom Low Temperature Convection Oven TSF601 for Reflow! A Nice Temperature Profile!

日本語版はこちらIn the past, I used a hot plate for reflow, but beca...
English ver.

Substrate reflow in convection oven TSF601 is too comfortable to return to hot plate

日本語版はこちらI bought a convection oven TSF601 for reflow the oth...
English ver.

The ragged desk → Apple store desk⁉ by DIY


English ver.

The circuit of the Nixie tube IN 14 is built into an alarm clock to create an alarm clock style clock.

日本語版はこちらThe other day, I was able to display the Nixie tube ...
English ver.

"Alarm Clock Style" IN-14 Nixie Tube Clock Completed !

日本語版はこちらThe other day, I created the hardware and incorporat...

I printed this popular mask with elastic TPU filaments and an Anycubic i3 Mega 3D pulitor.

日本語版はこちらThe mask data, which can be printed on a 3D printer,...
English ver.

Modification method to reduce click sound of Apple Magic Mouse 2

日本語版はこちらI introduce the modification method to make the clic...
English ver.

Modification method to silent click Apple Magic Mouse

日本語版はこちらHere is how to modify the click sound of Apple Magic...
English ver.

I can now draw handwritten pictures on electronic paper using the Nintendo DS touch panel

The Nintendo DS touch panel can be used with e-paper.Touch P...
English ver.

It is possible to read the compressed image from the SD card and play the sequential numbered image on the electronic paper.

I loaded the bitmap images into memory beforehand and animat...
English ver.

Animation can now be displayed on e-paper

The CPLD is used to perform high-speed serial-parallel conve...

Trial manufacture of surface mount board using solder paste gun


English ver.

Until the K155ID1 is controlled by the ESP 32 and the 2 digit Nixie tube IN - 12B is dynamically lit.

I have the substrate for the nixie tube and the K1551 ID 1 f...