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I make a UV-EPROM writer.


I want to make my own cassette for the Famicom, so I am making various preparations. Last time, I was experimenting with ultraviolet light for erasing UV-EPROM.
I want to make a ROM writer this time.

Can I make a ROM writer?

What is a ROM writer?

A ROM writer is a device that writes data and programs to an empty ROM.

Data is sent from a personal computer, converted into a ROM write signal, and written in an empty ROM.

What signals are required to write

Here is the data sheet for the STmicro UV-EPROM M27C256 that I bought with Aliexpress.

Power source type

It says the normal power supply voltage is 5V and the current consumption is about 30 mA. It doesn't work at 3.3V, so I'll make a lighter with a 5V microcomputer. I think I'll use the arduino.

Take a look at the instructions for writing a datasheet.

It says to set Vpp to 12.75V and Vcc to 6.25V in order to set to the programming mode. The writer needs 12.75V and 6.25V power supplies.
  • Read Power : 5V
  • Write Power : 12.75V and 6.25V
I understand.

Write control method

The next step is to determine what signals are required for writing.
Take a look at the diagram of the data sheet write waveform.

  • A0 - A14 : Addressing
  • Q0 - A7 : Data specification
  • Vpp : Signal to set to write mode (normally 5V, raised to 12.75V to set to write mode)
  • Vcc : Power supply (raised to 6.25V to set to write mode)
  • / E (/ CS) : Write timing specification
  • / G (/ OE) : Read timing specification

It is a fairly simple control method.

To summarize,

  1. set Vpp to 12.75V and Vcc to 6.25V to be in the write mode.
  2. specify the address and data
  3. If a low pulse is input to / E, it is written.
  4. When / G is set to Low, the written data is read, so check it.

I can do it with Arduino.


Making a ROM writer with Arduino

Is there enough IO pins?

The control method was not difficult, so I will consider making a lighter with an arduino which is a 5V microcomputer.

The problem is the number of IO pins in the arduino.
  • addresses x 15
  • data x 8
  • Signals for setting Vpp and Vcc to the write mode x 1
  • /E x1 ,  /G x1
I need 26 in total.

The number of IO pins available to users of each arduino

  • UNO  : 18
  • Leonardo : 21
  • MEGA:46

UNO is not enough at all, MEGA is quite enough.The MEGA board is a little expensive, so I would like to think about the Leonardo board.I think I will use the Atmega32U4 that is used for Leonardo because it is expensive to buy Leonardo normally.

IO Pin Savings

The data pins are write and read operations and require bidirectional signal exchange, but the address lines are unidirectional from the microcontroller to the EP-ROM.
So, 15 of the addresses use shift registers to save the number of iOS.
Specifically, 2 major shift registers of 74HC595 are used.
It then converts the SPI signal into a 16 bit parallel signal.

The block diagram looks like the one above.

Only 3 "IO" can provide 15 ROM address wires.(Note : MOSI and IO in the figure were reversed)

If I want to write to a larger ROM, I can expand the address just by adding a shift register, so I can deal with it easily.

Circuit design

ROM x 1

I added power control, control signals and data bus to the block diagram.(Note : MOSI and IO in the figure were reversed)Since the address bus is a shift register, the number of IO pins is considerably reduced.I need 14 pins in total.

The Atmega32U4 (Leonardo) still has a lot of pins, so I will be able to write to 2 ROMs.

The reason is that there are 2 ROMs, a program ROM and a character ROM in the cassette of the Famicom.

The right side of the picture above is the program ROM, and the left side is the character ROM.  When making the ROM of the cassette of the Nintendo Famicom, it is necessary to write data in these 2 ROMs.

It is convenient if you can set 2 ROMs and write the program ROM and the character ROM together.

Expanded for 2 ROMs

This schematic has been extended to control 2 ROMs.  I also assigned which IO pin to use.  I think I can write to 2 ROMs with Atmega32U4 (Leonardo).

Power supply switching circuit

When writing data to the EP-ROM, it is necessary to set Vpp to 12.75V and Vcc to 6.25V to enter the write mode.

Consider a power supply and a circuit for switching the voltage.  The power supply circuit uses an inexpensive DCDC module to produce 5V to 12.75V and 6.25V.

Use this ↓.
By adjusting the volume, the voltage can be raised to nearly 25V.
Using this DCCD, I think of a circuit like this.

When this is replaced with a circuit, it is like this ↓.

It is an OR circuit of the power supply using a diode.

Normally 5V is output, but when the P-channel MOS-FET turns on, the voltage of the DCDC converter is output because the voltage of the DCDC is higher.
Since the P-channel MOS-FET has a negative logic (the FET turns ON when the gate is set to 0V), it is converted to a positive logic by a transistor for easy control from the microcontroller.
As a result, when IO is Low, the P-channel MOSFET turns OFF, 5V is output, and when IO is Hi, the P-channel MOSFET turns ON and a DCDC voltage is output.
Any P-channel MOS-FET with a small ON resistance can be used, such as the "Akizuki Denshi (Electronic component stores in Japan"  IRLML 6402.

The transistor can be anything as long as it is Nch, 2SC1815, etc.

Note that the diode at the end of the circuit causes a voltage drop.

Note that the diode at the end of the circuit causes a voltage drop.
Therefore, the voltage of the DCDC converter is not set to 6.25V or 12.75V, but adjusted so that the voltage after passing through the diode becomes 6.25V or 12.75V.

Mounted on the board

Start of soldering

The circuit has been decided, so we will make a circuit.
I think I will go with this arrangement.

It took a few hours to complete the component implementation.
Next is the wiring behind the board.

After a few hours, the wiring was completed, so we will test the operation.
Connect 5V to the pins here and there to check for incorrect wiring.
The power switch and circuit are working well.
It worked quite well.


I put a check LED on each address bus, data bus and control signal. The LED lights up to indicate which signal is ON, which is useful for debugging programming.

This board has a strange shape. It is designed to be inserted into my own microcontroller board.


Cassette Arduino

This is a micro controller board compatible with Arduino Leonardo which is currently being produced.  It has a Famicom cassette slot that connects all the IO pins to the 32 bit parallel output.  Insert the expansion board into this cassette slot to connect the HAT board to the Arduino.  It is called "Cassette Arduino" and is currently under development.

For example, if you insert a cassette like this ↓

I make watches.
That's good.

Therefore, the substrate we made this time is ↓

This is the ROM writer cassette. It's unprecedented that a ROM is stuck vertically, but it's interesting.

Now that the circuit is complete, I will program it. Will I be able to write well?


2019.6.21 Continuation   Can now write to and read from ROM