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Intel MAX V CPLD "5M160nano" board details



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MAX V CPLD 5M160 nano board

This is an experimental board equipped with Intel MAX V series CPLD's 5M160.

It's sized to stick into the breadboard. Two pins on each side of the breadboard can be left free, so you can experiment by sticking LEDs, jumper wires, etc.


High-performance CPLD made by Intel. The MAX V series has a simple internal configuration and is ideal for beginners.

The number of LEs is 160 and the standard equivalent macro cell is 128.

The total number of IOs in the 5M160 is 54.  Of these, 36 pins are pulled out to pins, and 4 pins are connected to the user LED. Each pin is designed to operate at 3.3V.


Pin out

Pinout above. There are 18 left and right IO pins, for a total of 36 pins available.

However, since a 16MHz clock is connected to the CLK3, the IO42 pin cannot be used as IO in its initial state.  If you want to use it as an IO pin, see the section "When you don't need a clock" below.


Power supply method

There are three methods of power supply.

  1. How to supply power via USB
  2. How to feed from the 5V pin
  3. How to feed from the 3.3V pin

Choose one of them to supply electricity, depending on the experimental environment.  If more than one method is used to supply power at the same time, an excessive amount of current may flow and cause failure.  Be sure to supply electricity from only one source.


If you don't need a clock

If you don't need a clock and you want to use IO42 pins as IO pins, cut the wires in the circle on the back of the board with a cutter.  In this way, the IO pins are separated from the clock and can be used as IO.


Schematic diagram

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